Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.05.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- The Wearable Groundstation - 22:35
- How to Build a Mobile App for Your Drone - 15:22
- Meet CargoCopter: our latest generation of high-speed, long-range drones - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Peppermint 8: víc než jen vylepšené Lubuntu? - 16:15
- Ryzen je produktem roku, ocenění mají i GP102 a i7-7700K - 14:30
- GeForce GTX Max-Q: Herní notebooky rozměru Ultrabooků - 12:00
- Proč by firmy měly řešit přístupnost webu? Rozhovor s Radkem Pavlíčkem - 10:30
- Qualcomm musí odškodnit BlackBerry, sám žaluje firmy vyrábějící pro Apple - 09:20
- Intel sešlápl plyn, proti ThreadRipperu postaví >4GHz osmnáctijádro i9-7980XE - 08:00
- AMOLED majoritní technologií smartphonů i v mainstreamu? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Kingston představil velmi rychlé SSD disky KC1000 - 21:25
- Umělá inteligence od Googlu už nemá ve hře Go lidskou konkurenci - 20:43
- AMD v noci představí RX Vega a Threadripper - 18:47
- Nová várka úžasných fotografií Jupiteru od Juno - 18:22
- Gigabyte ukázal desky Intel X299 AORUS - 16:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Dell's upgradable Inspiron 27 7000 is among the first Ryzen All-in-One PCs - 23:45
- 8 things to know about Amazon's Echo Show - 22:50
- Samsung equips new Notebook 9 Pro with built-in S Pen - 22:00
- PlayStation 3 officially slips into its twilight years as Sony Japan ships last PS3 console - 21:00
- Meet Essential Home, the Amazon Echo competitor from Android co-founder Andy Rubin - 20:00
- New AMD hotfix driver solves various crashes and gameplay problems - 19:30
- The Eve V is a feature-packed version of the Surface Pro; even Microsoft likes it - 18:30
- Acer Predator Triton 700 packs GTX 1080 into an ultra-portable laptop - 17:45
- Are AR and VR only for special occasions? - 17:00
- Nvidia's Max-Q design will make gaming laptops super-thin and more powerful - 16:15
- Android co-creator unveils the $700 Essential smartphone - 15:45
- Cryorig turns to Kickstarter to fund retro-inspired Taku PC case - 15:12
- Intel unveils new X-series processors, including the $2,000 18-core/36-thread i9 chip - 14:30
- New research links WannaCry hackers to China - 13:15
- Radeon RX 570 vs. GeForce GTX 1060 3GB - 07:00
- OnePlus launches referral program in preparation for OnePlus 5 launch - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Introduces the Industry’s First MCU with Integrated 2D GPU and Integrated DDR2 Memory f... - 14:08

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- RF Transistor for Automotive Low Noise Amplifier Applications, 12 V, 7 GHz, NPN Single - 17:08
- RF Transistor for Automotive Low Noise Amplifier Applications - 17:00