Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.06.2016

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1060 vyfocena, nabídne 3 nebo 6 GB GDDR5 - 16:00
- NASA otestovala nový SRB pro lety na Mars - 14:00
- AMD uvádí Radeon RX 490 mezi kartami dostupnými v roce 2016 - 12:00
- Domácí kino od IMAXu? Postaví vám jej za 10 miliónů Kč - 10:00
- Radeon RX 480 přehrává hardwarově VP9 a umí dvouprůchodové kódování HEVC - 08:00
- Herní klávesnice myš a podložka FNATIC v testu - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Výrobci poodhalují nereferenční Radeony RX 480 - 19:00
- Exoskeleton pro nemocné, zastaví třes pacientů s Parkinsonem - 12:55
- HTC vyčleňuje divizi pro VR - 00:30
- Robotický mlok se dokáže pohybovat jako skutečný obojživelník - 00:13

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Sling TV multi-stream exits beta, core packages get rebranded and more - 23:15
- Facebook wins Belgian legal case over its policy of tracking non-members - 22:30
- Music rhythm game 'Thumper' will be a PlayStation VR launch title - 21:45
- HTC spins Vive VR unit into a wholly owned subsidiary, joins VR Venture Capital Alliance - 21:00
- So long, Nutella: Google's next major Android version is called Nougat - 20:15
- Sony adds three new series to its 4K TV lineup - 19:15
- Amazon aims to inspire employees with the three Biospheres it's building at the new company HQ - 18:30
- This guy designed car tires that roll in any direction - 17:45
- Wi-Fi 802.11ac gets upgraded with support for more users and faster speeds - 17:00
- Remastered BioShock: The Collection will be released on PC, PS4, and Xbox One this September - 16:00
- Amazon quietly starts selling private-label perishable food products - 15:30
- Facebook will start showing friends and family posts first in the News Feed - 14:30
- Google's 9,000km internet cable connecting the USA with Japan switches on - 13:15
- Inside Review: Solve tricky puzzles, die in horrifying but darkly funny ways - 07:00
- AMD releases Radeon Software 16.6.2 graphics driver - 02:30
- Tesla is looking to expand its Supercharger network to gas stations - 01:15
- System Shock remake lands on Kickstarter, play the demo now - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Transcend Wifi SD Card Is A Tiny Linux Server - 22:00
- Fail Of The Week (in 1996): The 7 Billion Dollar Overflow - 19:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS