Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.08.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Je to tady: Yeston Radeon CUTE PET vydán! - 12:00
- RECENZE: Gigabyte X570 AORUS PRO - aneb vylepšená X570 Elite - 10:00
- AMD uzavřela spor o počet jader Bulldozeru - 08:00
- AMD možná chystá osmikanálovou platformu pro Threadripper - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Robotická ruka z Harvardu dokáže bezpečně uchopit medúzu - 21:10
- Dnes proběhne další streamovaná ukázka titulu Cyberpunk 2077 - 17:40
- Telegram by měl uvést svou kryptoměnu Gram do 31.10. - 17:11
- Inženýři spojili obě poloviny teleskopu Jamese Webba - 17:00
- Jiní vydavatelé je akceptují, ovšem Valve se bude pokutám EU bránit - 16:40
- Šéf NASA stále považuje Pluto za planetu - 16:00
- AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization: zabezpečení pro EPYC pochází z herních konzolí - 15:00
- Na MIT vznikl RISC-V s 15 tisíci uhlíkovými tranzistory - 14:20
- Microchip SMC 1000 8x25G slibuje zajistit čtyřnásobnou paměťovou propustnost - 13:30
- JPR: AMD si v prodejích GPU polepšilo - 13:00
- NASA namontovala na Mars 2020 létající dron - 12:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Didi Chuxing is looking to launch self-driving rides in Shanghai and expand them beyond China by ... - 22:13
- You can now get married by Duke Nukem - 21:20
- Labor Day tech weekend: 89 hand-picked deals on PC hardware, laptops, audio gear and electronics - 20:57
- Garmin announces the Fenix 6 Series GPS smartwatch with solar charging - 20:21
- Watch Live: 15 minutes of fresh Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay - 19:47
- Hurricane Dorian is forcing scooter rental services to pull their rides from streets - 18:33
- YouTube will stop displaying exact subscriber counts in September - 17:50
- Samsung could announce the Galaxy Fold's launch at IFA next week - 17:17
- The Witcher 3 is more popular in 2019 than last year - 15:36
- Plex signs deal with Warner Bros. to stream free ad-supported content - 15:03
- Adult movie studio buys porn doxing site, sets it on fire - 14:27
- Google is reportedly looking to shift Pixel production from China to Vietnam - 13:50
- Windows 10's latest Insider build brings a cloud recovery option for System Restore and a tweaked... - 13:07
- Google says hacked websites were attacking iPhones for years - 12:20
- The FTC is reportedly investigating Juul over 'deceptive' teen-focused marketing practices - 00:22

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The Gorgeous Hardware We Can’t Take Our Eyes Away From - 22:00
- FiberGrid: An Inexpensive Optical Sensor Framework - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS