Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.10.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
-'s HD FPV first batch is now available at €499, a price decreasing by €3 per hour or €72 ... - 11:16

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- USA klesají na 3. místo v počtu smartphonů - 15:30
- Proč je integrovaná Vega v Raven Ridge lepší než samostatný Pascal? - 13:00
- DXO chystá odpojitelný USB-C foto modul One pro smartphony s Androidem - 10:30
- Ryzen 3, Vega a ThreadRipper dostaly AMD do plusu - 08:00
- Předobjednávky iPhone X nekonečné, BestBuy vás posune ve frontě za 100 USD navíc - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Vietnam zakázal placení bitcoiny a jinými kryptoměnami - 19:25
- Mikrokanálky uvnitř čipu pro velice silné chlazení systémů DARPA - 16:20
- Twisted Light Wireless: pro rychlou optickou a bezdrátovou komunikaci - 14:20
- Asus představil ROG Strix GTX 1070 Ti i speciál pro nový Assassin's Creed - 13:10
- Gigabyte odhalil Mini-ITX desku s Wi-Fi pro Coffee Lake - 12:40
- Intel ještě letos představí velice omezenou nabídku 10nm procesorů - 11:50
- Intel uvádí Optane SSD 900P pro desktopy - 11:00
- Tunel Elona Muska pod Los Angeles už má 150 metrů - 09:57

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- YouTube TV is getting a dedicated smart TV app - 23:33
- Sprint is reportedly pulling out of T-Mobile merger talks - 22:48
- Infosec startup Cryptonite has developed a network-scrambling device - 22:04
- Firefox takes aim at canvas fingerprinting to stop cookie-free tracking - 21:13
- GeForce 388.13 drivers get you ready for CoD, Nioh and Need for Speed - 20:33
- Skype's controversial mobile redesign is coming to Windows and Mac today - 19:46
- China could ban PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - 19:01
- The Nintendo Switch could surpass the Wii U's lifetime sales in its first year - 18:17
- Samsung upcycling initiative will breathe new life into older mobile devices - 17:33
- Scalpers are selling iPhone X pre-orders on eBay for up to $60,000 - 16:35
- Microsoft receives patent to protect the headphone jack - 15:35
- PCI-SIG releases final specifications of PCIe 4.0, which doubles the bandwidth of 3.0 - 14:35
- Intel will ship low volumes of its first 10-nanometer chips this year - 13:33
- Which of these computer games was the first to ship with baked-in DRM/copy protection? - 13:03
- New GameStop rental scheme lets you play unlimited number of pre-owned games - 12:15
- Acer Predator Helios 300 Review: GTX 1060 gaming laptop for about $1,000 - 06:00

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS