Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.12.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Dasung Paperlike 253: E Ink monitor šetřící oči - 15:00
- Hedge fond vyzývá Intel k odštěpení továren či k jiné strategické změně - 13:55
- Tančící roboti: Boston Dynamics oslavuje příchod roku 2021 - 12:45
- Epic Games opravují svůj launcher, spotřeba se snížila, ale ne dost - 11:45
- EU hodlá vyhradit 145 mld. eur na vývoj 2nm procesu i nových CPU - 11:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Epic is giving away two more games before 2020 is over - 23:38
- Apple loses copyright battle against iOS virtualization startup Corellium - 22:51
- Epic patches bug that caused CPU temps to spike while the Games Store was running - 21:26
- Spending on mobile apps hit $407 million on Christmas Day - 20:39
- Insiders claim Sony will accelerate PS5 production in 2021 to meet demand - 20:02
- Check out the world's smallest portable Nintendo 64 - 18:40
- GOG is giving away a free copy of Metro: Last Light Redux - 16:43
- Watch Boston Dynamics' robots perform an end-of-year dance - 16:09
- Samsung's HDR10+ Adaptive feature adjusts content based on a room's lighting - 14:05
- FBI warns of hackers taking over smart devices to livestream swatting incidents - 13:05
- GeForce RTX 3070 vs. Radeon RX 6800: 41 Game Benchmark - 12:07
- This 25-inch E Ink monitor is easy on the eyes - 11:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Alien Inspired Cyberdeck Packs Vintage Atari 800XL - 22:00
- Japan To Launch Wooden Satellites - 20:31