Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.03.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Ukrajina chce vybrat peníze pro armádu prodejem NFT - 20:37
- Éra DirectStorage začíná, zatím jsou však data velice rozpačitá - 17:20
- SpaceX končí s výrobou lodí Crew Dragon, proč, když jsou stále potřeba? - 16:45
- Dyson odhalil sluchátka s filtrací vdechovaného vzduchu, o Covid ale nejde - 16:10
- První karty mají 2 konektory pro až 1200 W: cesta k přímotopům je otevřena - 15:40
- Pracovníci šanghajských polovodičových továren nemohou odejít domů - 15:05
- AMD Ryzen 7 5700X: o třetinu levnější, ale jen trošku pomalejší než 5800X? - 14:14
- ASRock nabízí 12 APU z PlayStation 5 v jedné těžební stanici - 13:40
- GeForce RTX 3090 Ti v testech: nejlepší výkon, ale ta spotřeba - 12:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Why doesn't iPhone's auto-update feature install new versions of iOS when they are released? - 23:16
- Hackers steal over $615 million from Ronin network supporting popular game Axie Infinity - 22:29
- Earendel: Hubble detects farthest star ever spotted - 21:44
- Ditto is a simple, yet functional clipboard manager for Windows - 21:08
- Opinion: Intel spices up PC market with Arc GPU launch - 20:36
- A third of all Netflix subscribers in the US share their passwords - 20:11
- Google may add Bluetooth tracker detection capabilities to Android - 19:37
- FedEx to test autonomous drone cargo delivery in 2023 - 18:05
- SK Hynix could form a consortium to buy Arm - 17:31
- Intel lifts the lid on Arc laptop GPUs, here's what you need to know - 17:00
- Windows 11 update allows users to switch browser with the click of a button - 16:14
- Wish your Alder Lake stock cooler was quieter? You can reduce its noise levels with a piece of paper - 15:41
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop Review - 15:26
- China set to hammer its $30 billion livestreaming industry with new restrictions - 15:08
- iPhones reported as missing will no longer be repaired by Apple technicians - 14:23
- This $14,800 Asrock mining rig is powered by 12 PlayStation 5 chips - 13:45
- Dyson unveils noise-canceling headphones that pump out filtered air - 12:15
- Russian developer of Loop Hero tells players to pirate the game - 02:01
- Apple's Force Touch might be making a comeback if recently filed patents mean anything - 00:33

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- #FreeDMO Gets Rid Of DYMO Label Printer DRM - 22:00
- A New Wrinkle on Wooden Ribbon Microphones - 20:30