Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.06.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- TSMC vzkazuje zákazníkům, ať přesedlají alespoň na 28nm proces - 17:15
- Routery Asus, Netgear a Cisco cílem velké malwarové kampaně - 16:15
- Intel se prý obává poklesu na trhu a chce snížit ceny Alder Lake - 15:35
- Ovladače pro Arc ruší zvýhodnění 3DMarku a přidávají podporu A770M a A550M - 15:05
- GlobalWafers investuje 5 mld. USD: wafery pro Intel, Samsung i TSMC - 14:40
- NASA spustila program Artemis, odstartoval satelit CAPSTONE - 13:35
- GTX 1630 je dle oficiálních testů stejně rychlá jako levnější karta z roku 2016 - 12:40
- Standard ATX12VO proniká mezi značkové desky, má jej MSI Pro H610M - 12:20
- AMD zveřejnilo cenu Threadripperů PRO 5000 WX, značí chybějící konkurenci - 11:45
- Samsung odstartoval výrobu pomocí 3nm procesu s tranzistory GAA - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Chromebooks set to take the biggest hit as global PC sales slow - 23:46
- Brain-connected robot arms enable paralyzed man to feed himself - 22:41
- Apple joins Google in complying with South Korean law allowing alternate payment platforms - 21:44
- Valve starts shipping some Steam Decks with slower SSDs but says performance is unaffected - 21:07
- Mozilla rethinks Thunderbird with version 102 - 20:50
- Crypto winter wipes out large chunk of North Korea's weapons program funding - 19:39
- Unity is laying off hundreds of employees as shares continue to slide - 19:05
- Amazon will share shopping data about its grocery store customers with advertisers - 18:24
- Russia fines four Western companies for not storing data locally - 17:49
- Nerf's Gjallarhorn rocket launcher from Destiny is over four feet long - 17:17
- Samsung starts manufacturing chips on a 3nm process, DRAM supply glut brewing in South Korea - 16:16
- Google's iOS app for switching to Android is now compatible with all Android 12 phones - 15:43
- Spotify's Upside Down Playlist reveals your own anti-Vecna song - 15:13
- TSMC to cease building capacity for nodes older than 28nm - 14:29
- Niantic lays off 8% of staff, cancels four projects as it struggles to recapture the success of P... - 13:55
- What Ever Happened to Yahoo! Messenger? - 13:07
- Asrock BIOS update adds Intel Raptor Lake CPU support to its 600-series motherboards - 12:15
- Hyundai shares first look at the much-awaited Ioniq 6 electric sedan - 00:56

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- ESP32 Camera Slider Build Keeps Things in Perspective - 22:00
- Adding Voluminous Joy to a DIY Turbojet With a DIY Afterburner - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- New maXTouch® Knob-on-Display™ (KoD™) Touch Controller Family Disrupts Traditional Touchscreen De... - 07:00
- New Resilient, Redundant Source of Secure Network Timing and Synchronization for Power Operators ... - 07:00
- Microchip Introduces Fully Integrated Precise Time Scale System - 07:00
- Microchip’s SyncServer S600 Series Time Server Now Defends Against GPS Jamming and Spoofing - 07:00