Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 31.01.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- VR BRAIN Enclosure - back stage - Made in Italy - 23:30
- Interesting drone ad on Alibaba - 20:00
- Ultra cool 360-video format. HOW is this done? - 18:30
- Stackup Plates for Mounting Stuff - 18:00
- DroneCafe - Episode 7 - UAS - Telemetry - 17:30
- Secrets of the MPU9150 - 12:53
- Video: How to fly in a sporting stadium - 11:32
- Preorder: Crazyfly Nano Quadcopter from Seeedstudio - 11:00
- Low-price GPS with mount - 08:00
- PX4 Autopilot gets Graupner HoTT Telemetry Support - 01:05
- UxV control station - first video - 00:17 - Mvorisek RSS
- Podívejte se na noční Prahu z vesmíru v rychlosti 27 000 km/h - 17:24
- Fekální transplantát léčí bakteriální průjem lépe než antibiotika - 00:00
- Fotonovinky na začátek roku. Do obchodů míří nové ultrazoomy - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Firefox bude spouštět pluginy jen na vyžádání, nezbytná nutnost, nebo pruda? - 00:00
- Dobrá zpráva? Disney zastavil práce na konverzi Star Wars do 3D, chce soustředit síly na J.J. Abr... - 00:00
- Spor Nikonu se Sigmou v závěru: Sigma patenty neporušila - 00:00
- Philips v multimédiích končí, po TV divizi prodal též A/V - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Linksys přechází pod firmu Belkin - 11:00
- Samsung představil Galaxy Express s podporou LTE - 10:00
- AOC nabídne další herní monitor - 09:00
- Článek: Novinky ve světě GPU: leden 2013 - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google Chrome to get notification center, possibly Google Now - 23:00
- The New York Times believe Chinese military hacked their computers - 22:30
- Facebook profits tumble due to heavy mobile spending - 22:00
- Google extends Windows Phone 8 Exchange support until July 31 - 21:00
- Grand Theft Auto V will miss spring 2013 release date - 20:00
- Nvidia to build reference smartphones and tablets for OEMs, ODMs - 19:00
- Gabe Newell says Apple is the biggest threat in the living room - 18:00
- Nvidia's Project Shield went from concept to reality in less than a year - 17:00
- Michael Dell to seek majority control in buyout bid - 16:00
- Firefox to block nearly all plug-ins by default with 'Click to Play' - 15:13
- Nest Labs shipping nearly 50,000 Learning Thermostats each month - 13:30
- IBM gifts Watson supercomputer to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Infra is a television made of Infrared pixels - 23:01
- 12-axis sensor adds auto screen orientation to this older tablet PC - 21:01
- How a dial-up modem handshake works - 20:01
- Getting an Arduino to control a wireless outlet - 19:01
- Turning the Belkin WeMo into a deathtrap - 18:01
- Letting people on the Internet control your dating experience - 16:00
- Gas sensor suite built with Gadgeteer modules - 15:01
- 7x7x7 LED cube driven by Arduino mega - 14:01
- The Keypad Contest - 12:01