Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 31.01.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- VrBrain Hexacopter in European Project (Autonomous Boat and Hexacopter cooperation) - 18:00
- First Steps - 15:30
- FPV Shaolin Returns (with APM Camera Gimbal ) - 09:00
- A peek into the future of ardupilot - 02:00
- 3 axis GoPro "Stublizier" Project - 00:17 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Bloomberg: Microsoft vybral nového šéfa a plánuje odsunout Billa Gatese - 00:16
- Software zdarma: převod filmů z DVD a Blu-ray, editace MP3, test PC - 00:00
- Patent Applu slibuje solární dobíjení notebooků - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zamyšlení: Šestijádro v mobilu - k čemu, proč a hlavně jak? - 14:59
- Qualcomm chystá 20nm Snapdragon 810 s LPDDR4 řadičem - 13:33
- Facebook bude ukládat data na Blu-ray disky - 12:05
- Z těžby Litecoinu se stává dobrý byznys i pro prodejce sestav - 10:36
- LibreOffice 4.2: výkonnější a lépe integrované do Windows i GNOME3 - 07:55
- Fantastická cesta do Sony A7r: 36Mpix full-frame rozebrán - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Kde se zasekl 3D tisk? - 14:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: CM Nepton 140XL: malý vodník na steroidech - 01:00
- Cooltek UMX2: netradiční Middle-Tower - 12:07
- Seagate si na jaro chystá 6TB disky - 11:00
- Šéfem Microsoftu má být Nadella, Gates půjde ven - 10:09

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Snowden documents say Canadian intelligence agency uses airport WiFi to track passengers - 23:30
- Aereo runs out of capacity in New York City, has to turn new customers away - 22:45
- Lenovo says its 'mission is to surpass' Apple and Samsung with the Moto acquisition - 22:00
- Twitter purchases 900 patents, signs cross-licensing agreement with IBM - 21:00
- Weekend game deals: Splinter Cell: Blacklist $20, Eve Online $5, Guild Wars 2 $30, Blood Dragon $5 - 20:30
- Amazon Prime subscriptions may go up by $20 or $40, first time in nine years - 20:00
- Google's first ever stock split will happen on April 2 - 19:00
- Facebook uses 10,000 Blu-ray Discs to create 1 Petabyte cold storage - 18:00
- Get a Surface Pro for $499 through Saturday at Best Buy - 17:00
- Google wants Nest to work on gadgets that "make more sense for the company" - 15:57
- Google Q4 2013: Revenue tops expectations, EPS misses mark - 14:30
- Zynga acquires UK-based NaturalMotion and lays off 314 employees - 13:45
- Are free to play games set to dominate the future of apps? - 07:11
- Preparing for Sunday: Watch these "leaked" Super Bowl XLVIII commercials - 06:41
- SwiftKey's predictive keyboard arrives on iOS, sort of - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- This SMD Reflow Hot Air Gun Hangs Around Your Workbench - 22:01
- Hackaday Terms of Use (aka: The Lawyers are Coming!) - 19:01

Analog Devices - Mvorisek RSS
- ADUM3224, 3kV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4A Output for Automotive - 19:51
- ADUM4224, 5kV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4A Output for Automotive - 19:55

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Low Noise LDO Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit and Voltage - 18:12
- Headset Detection Interface - 18:09

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- MPEG Test System - 15:30
- LE160 & LE320 - 15:30
- LE160 & LE320 - 15:30
- LE160 & LE320 - 15:30
- Tektronix LE160 & LE320 - 15:30