Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 31.03.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- 3rd Flight of Ranger EX 757-3 - 17:00
- VTOL by Arkbird - 11:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Lenovo Vibe B vs Huawei Y560, aneb Když dva dělají skoro totéž - 15:30
- Radeon RX 570 na snímcích - 13:00
- První UHD Blu-ray filmy s Dolby Vision jsou tu - 10:30
- AMD měla pravdu, patch pro AotS zvýšil výkon Ryzenu o 17-31 % - 08:00
- Vivaldi 1.8 vylepšuje historii prohlížení - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Blíží se den, kdy skončí kino? - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Sonda americké NASA se podívá do sluneční koróny - 16:59
- Cachovací SSD Intel Optane nepodporují levné Kaby Lake - 16:30
- Jaký je Windows 10 Creators Update? - 15:55
- Destiny 2 oficiálně ohlášena i pro PC, k dispozici bude beta - 15:00
- Rubio z ESA plánuje chrám u jižního pólu Měsíce s tekutým zrcadlem - 13:59
- Intel představil 10nm technologii a slibuje 2,7násobnou hustotu tranzistorů - 13:32
- SpaceX se zapisuje do historie, použitý stupeň Falconu 9 znovu odstartoval - 03:41
- Blue Origin nabízí pohled dovnitř své návratové kabiny pro turisty - 01:28

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel's Optane memory may not be compatible with Kaby Lake Pentium or Celeron CPUs - 23:00
- Mad Catz shuts down, files for chapter 7 bankruptcy - 22:30
- Verizon will install spyware on all its Android phones - 21:45
- Starbucks is opening a store that only accepts mobile orders - 21:00
- Tech companies promise to tackle extremist online content, but avoid encryption debate - 20:15
- Rogue system admin shuts down servers and deletes core files on the day he is fired, now faces up... - 19:15
- The US music industry last year experienced its biggest gain since 1998 - 18:30
- Full rollout of Android Wear 2.0 delayed by bug - 18:00
- Internet mad scientist Colin Furze stuffs a 600cc, 100HP engine into a bumper car - 17:00
- Point-and-click adventure Thimbleweed Park arrives to positive reviews - 16:00
- Verizon to launch wireless Cat M1 network nationwide to juice IoT - 15:00
- Twitter finally stops counting @replies toward its 140-character tweet limit - 14:00
- Ashes of the Singularity, DOTA 2 optimized for AMD Ryzen CPUs - 13:15
- SpaceX successfully launches and lands a used rocket for the first time ever - 08:00
- Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey departs Facebook - 02:15
- Microsoft will sell customized "Microsoft Edition" versions of Samsung Galaxy S8 - 01:13
- Fanless Calyos NSG S0 phase-change PC case hits Kickstarter - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Transcranial Electrical Stimulation With Arduino, Hot Glue - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: [Nardax] Shoots Fireballs - 20:31

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Battery Protection IC, Integrated Power MOSFET, 1-Cell Lithium-Ion - 08:47
- ESD Protection Diode - 08:44
- Surge Protection Device - 08:42
- P-Channel Power MOSFETs for Automotive, -30 V, 8.4 to 30 mΩ, -27 to - 82 A - 08:41
- OmniClock Generator, 3.3 V / 2.5 V, Programmable - 08:40
- Integrated Synchronous DC-DC Step Down Converter - 08:38
- Full Frame CCD Image Sensor, 9.1 MP - 08:36

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- DSA8300 Sampling Oscilloscope Datasheet - 16:30
- PRISM Media Analysis Solution for Hybrid IP/SDI Infrastructure Datasheet - 16:30