Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 31.03.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA a ESA mění misi pro dopravu vzorků z Marsu: dvě rakety místo jedné - 18:00
- Intel DG2-512 má více tranzistorů než Navi 22 a GA104, jak je na tom s hustotou? - 17:20
- Jak snížit hlučnost nových procesorových chladičů Intelu? Stačí kus papíru - 16:10
- Hubble zlomil rekord, našel dosud nejvzdálenější hvězdu, jaká byla spatřena - 15:10
- Čínská grafika Moore Threads MTT S60 zvládne League of Legends pod DirectX - 14:15
- SK hynix chce koupit Arm, shání partnery - 13:15

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- ESA confirms that E3 2022 is completely canceled - 22:56
- TSMC says consumer demand for smartphones, PCs and TVs is slowing - 21:53
- Apple changes developer guidelines to allow Dutch dating apps to offer alternative payments systems - 20:36
- The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe gets April 27 launch date - 19:11
- Epic Games sued by choreographer for allegedly using copyrighted dance moves in Fortnite - 18:20
- Intel offers first look at its Arc Limited Edition desktop graphics card - 17:46
- Steam's first Simfest sale puts simulation games front and center - 17:12
- Joy-Con class-action lawsuit may only succeed if kids are allowed to sue Nintendo - 15:31
- You can now purchase the Stretch warehouse robot from Boston Dynamics - 14:56
- Celebrate World Backup Day by checking your backup storage and strategy - 14:22
- Apple and Meta reportedly handed user data to hackers masquerading as law enforcement - 13:45
- AMD Radeon RX 6800S Review: Power Efficient GPU for Gaming Laptops - 12:53
- Wyze knew about camera vulnerabilities that let strangers watch your feeds and recordings - 12:14
- YouTube planning to improve platform support for podcasts - 03:07
- Apple now allows 'reader' apps to link to their own sites - 00:48
- Google Chrome and Chrome OS reach version 100 - 00:05

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Making Windshield Wipers Rock To The Beat - 22:00
- Rural Hacker De-Crufts and Rebuilds Hydroelectric Generator - 20:30