Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 31.05.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Compass calibration progress with geodesic sections in Ardupilot - 22:00
- Introducing the 3rd Dronestagram & National Geographic International Drone Photo Contest - 15:29
- Copter-3.4 beta testing starts - 07:30
- The R&D Capability of Drone Manufacturers (Yuneec) - 05:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Čím menší, tím lepší - DC/DC měnič série TDN5WI - 08:57
- Liberec má dobíjecí stanici pro elektromobily - v iQLANDII - 07:44

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nové Xboxy budou dva: Slim ještě letos, Scorpio příští rok - 12:00
- RECENZE - Overwatch definuje nový žánr a využívá všech předností Blizzardu - 11:00
- ARM společně s AMD a IBM připravují sběrnici spojující jejich procesory - 10:00
- FP16 u Pascalu nemá pro desktop význam - 08:00
- MSI slaví overclocking DDR4-5000+ - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- MSI Aegis X: nejlepší herní desktop své řady - 16:42
- Intel Apollo Lake: Thunderbolt 3 a 4K video levně - 16:16
- AMD XConnect pro externí grafiky se rozšiřuje - 15:30
- AMD Polaris a Bristol Ridge: podrobnosti již zítra ráno - 15:00
- Tam a zase zpátky: návrat Falcon 9 ve videu - 14:35
- Nováček Riotoro ukazuje své herní náčiní - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Periscope is taking a crowdsourced approach to comment moderation - 23:30
- Microsoft slashes $50 off the Xbox One - 22:30
- 419 million people now use mobile ad blockers, a 90 percent increase from last year - 21:45
- Myspace hack puts at least 360 million users at risk - 21:00
- Dell announces new Inspiron 2-in-1 laptops, including world's first 17-inch model - 20:15
- Learn ninja-level Java skills with the Ultimate Java Bundle - 19:30
- Watch classic video game Pong brought into the physical world with this real-life mechanical table - 18:15
- Voice-based computing with digital assistants - 17:15
- Digital Storm sticks a ten-core i7-6950X and a GTX 1080 into its 34-inch all-in-one PC - 16:30
- Qualcomm's Snapdragon 1100 is a power-efficient chip aimed at fitness trackers and kids' wearables - 15:30
- Sony's E3 press conference will be shown live in more than 85 movie theaters - 14:30
- Intel's incredible 10-core Broadwell-E CPU arrives with a $1723 price tag - 13:15
- Intel 'Kaby Lake' processors set for release later this year - 12:15
- Best Smartwatches of 2016: Best for Android, iPhone users, fitness-centric and luxury pick - 07:00
- Tumblr breach resulted in the theft of 65 million e-mail addresses and passwords, analysis reveals - 01:30
- Now you can try the Amazon Echo with web-based Alexa simulator - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Leg Mounted Beer Bottles for Underwater Propulsion - 22:00
- Exquisite LED Handbag in the Wild - 20:31

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Passive Tunable Integrated Circuit (PTIC) Controller - 17:47
- Passive Tunable Integrated Cirtuit (PTIC) Controller - 17:28