Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.09.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Qualcom is paving the path to 5G: Optimizing commercial LTE networks for drone communication - 15:21
- Parrot releases Ubuntu-powered SLAM development board - 07:11
- Using a Pixhawk-powered drone to drop bugs that kill other bugs - 02:10 - Mvorisek RSS
- Siemens se stal členem Solární asociace - 09:24
- Nevolatilní paměťové obvody určené pro zařízení IoT - 01:59

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Parametry iPhone 7 a 7 Plus v kostce (oproti iPhone 6S / Plus) - 15:30
- Chystají se Radeony R9 490 a R7 450 - 13:00
- Linuxový zvrat: Adobe vrací Flashi po 4 letech podporu NPAPI - 10:30
- Playstation 4 Slim rozebrán, odhaluje 16nm APU [video] - 08:00
- Fujitsu získalo licenci Nantero na výrobu NRAM z uhlíkových nanotrubiček - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Das Keyboard Prime 13: jednoduchá a odolná mechanika - 17:07
- Star Trek dnes slaví 50 let, co bylo a bude? - 15:54
- EmDrive, motor bez paliva, bude otestován ve vesmíru - 14:45
- Americké letectvo přechází na Windows 10 - 14:02
- Nanočástice magnetitu ze smogu jako spouštěč Alzheimerovy choroby? - 13:13
- Cloud Imperium popírá informaci o posunutém vydání Squadron 42 - 12:20
- NVIDIA SMP na Pascalech už dosahuje 20% výkonnostního nárůstu - 11:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google is making it easier to spot non-secure websites in Chrome - 23:15
- Origin Omni All-In-One Gaming PC mini review - 22:30
- Cricket to launch budget-minded $30 service plan - 21:41
- Amazon's upgraded $90 Fire HD 8 launches, will soon have Alexa functionality - 20:45
- Apple won't reveal iPhone 7's first-weekend sales numbers - 19:45
- Pay what you want: 90-hour 'Learn to Code' training - 19:00
- Google wants to stop people joining ISIS by using targeted advertising - 18:15
- Raspberry Pi surpasses 10M sales mark, launches new Starter Kit - 17:30
- See the PlayStation 4 Pro's new Mass Effect: Andromeda 4K gameplay video - 16:30
- Apple says it was right to remove "dinosaur" headphone jack from the iPhone 7 - 15:30
- Intel sells majority stake in McAfee security business - 14:30
- Apple drops the price of screen repairs for AppleCare+ customers - 13:15
- Apple quietly refreshes iPad line with higher capacities, lower prices - 00:32

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Reverse Engineering and Networking The A/C Remote Control - 22:00
- Top Ten Reasons Not To Buy A Fake MacBook Charger. Number Eight Will Shock You. - 20:31

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 50A to 300A, Scalable µModule Regulator Needs 60% Less Capacitance to Power Sub-28nm GPUs, FPGAs,... - 17:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Aurora Automated File-based Quality Control System, Datasheet - 16:30
- New Perceptual Video Quality Scoring Reduces False Positives in Automated Video QC Solution - 16:30
- Tektronix and Nevion to Showcase Live Video Over IP Readiness - 16:30
- Tektronix Prism and SPG8000A Support IBC TV Live Video Over IP Production - 16:30