Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- A Drone Proof City - 21:30
- ArduCopter 2.9.1 UnOfficial FAQ - 14:50
- In the wake of ZURICH.MINDS 2012. Short speech of L.Meier about Open Hardware. - 12:53
- Setting up Open9x to show current requested flight mode. - 04:30
- Pending Californian "Drone" Legislation - 04:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Rekordní počet lidí si čte zprávy přes web. Aplikace však netáhnou - 12:52
- Software zdarma: Programy, které utají počítač při surfování - 00:00
- Test ultrabooku, který můžete roztrhnout. HP Envy X2 vydrží deset hodin - 00:00
- Microsoft: Pozor, Google čte vaše osobní maily, pojďte radši k nám - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Egypt odstřihnul YouTube kvůli „antimuslimskému“ videu - 00:00
- Xbox 720 ponese 32MB ESRAM a bez Kinectu nepojede - 00:00
- Nvidia láká na kredit do free-to-play titulů - 00:00
- Apple obhájil dvojici patentů, slide to unlock ale zcela vyhráno nemá - 00:00
- Dostane přehrávač VLC podporu bittorrentu? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Noctua představila nový 120mm ventilátor NF-S12A - 15:00
- Gigabyte uvádí nové modely GeForce GTX 650 - 11:30
- Shuttle oznámil nový All-in-One Barebone pro Ivy Bridge - 11:20
- NVIDIA spouští akci Free 2 Play pro hry MMO - 11:00
- Upgrade switchů D-Link DXS-3600 zdarma - 01:30
- Článek: NAS a vlastní multihosting zdarma? - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- E-Waste by the numbers: Infographic - 23:30
- Confirmed: Intel is building an Internet TV service and set-top box - 22:30
- Western Digital targets Roku with $70 WD TV Play streaming box - 21:30
- Time Warner says next Batman Arkham game coming this year - 20:30
- Tuesday tech deals: Lenovo IdeaTab S2110 32GB w/ dock $349 - 19:30
- Sonos introduces the Playbar: Smart sound for your home theater - 18:30
- Apple releases iOS 6.1.1 to resolve iPhone 4S cellular issues - 17:15
- Vertu's latest luxury smartphone will cost you at least $10,000 - 16:30
- Home Depot drops BlackBerry as official handset, switching to iPhone - 15:30
- Next-gen Xbox details leaked, from someone who claims to have one - 14:30
- Tesla CEO Elon Musk says Times article on Model S range was fake - 13:30
- Larger-than-usual Patch Tuesday to address 57 security vulnerabilities - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Layer One: a call for papers - 23:01
- Add speed control to a DIY CNC machine - 22:01
- Converting an IBM PCjr joystick to USB - 21:01
- Help Hackaday build a custom gaming controller for a good cause - 20:01
- Giant resistor-shaped Ohmmeter - 19:01
- Hackerspace intro: Metrix Create:Space in Seattle, Washington - 18:01
- University research dollars poured into developing a Holodeck - 17:01
- [Limor] from Adafruit to hang out with President [Obama] - 16:01
- Build an eye tracking headset for $90 - 14:00

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Picture Quality Analysis Software Datasheet - 15:30
- 10G-KR Datasheet - 15:30
- Picture Quality Analysis System Datasheet - 15:30
- Tektronix Donates Electronic Test Equipment to Portland State University - 15:30
- FC-16G DPOJET Option Datasheet - 15:30